Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “zoom

Of Microscopes and Cells

In bio today, we were looking at onion cells! For like, the hundredth [or fourth] time! Anyways, I thought the microscope made everything look awesome, and the teacher let me photograph the cells and stuff^^
I was using my phone, so the quality isn’t as good, and I wasn’t able to focus too well ><

The ruler through a microscope ^^ [it looked cooler when you could see it physically, not just…in a photograph]

Onion cells! I rather like how it’s through the lens, with the little circle =] And the detail O:



I can’t help it. I’m in love with clouds^-^ I even made an effort NOT to post cloud pictures often, because otherwise every day would be a cloud picture, and maybe even a ramble about that cloud…But I couldn’t help it, this was awesome!

It’s called iridescence. When the sun’s rays reflect[refract?] off the ice crystals in the higher atmosphere clouds [aka. cirrus clouds].It causes a beautiful rainbow effect!

I can’t remember the exact scientific reason it happens, but it’s awesome phenomena and beautiful! If only my camera had better zoom, it’d be less…not clear ><
