Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “wow

The End of A Resolution

I never really see my new year’s resolutions being finished, but amazingly, this one has! Even though I have been ridiculously slack in my picture content, and uploading, I have taken that picture everyday[in some cases that has been difficult] I don’t know if I should do it next year however!
Maybe I shall, just because next year is my final year in high school, and I will have a better time doing it [as in, after high school, I have no idea how much time I’ll have to do stuff].
Anyway, for all who have viewed this blog, I thank you. I don’t really have much else to say! I’m going to blog on my other blog[lovely sentence…] after this about my year [somewhat].

I wish all well for next year!


Summer Pav!

Summer Pavlova! That I made ^-^ It looks so yummy!

Have yet to eat it. It’s dessert for later ;D Summer is here! [even though it is raining atm…hehe]


Feeding Ducks!

Had a picnic with some friends today, and we were feeding ducks! I love feeding ducks, they’re so awesome!

I fed them peanutbutter sammies, and they got peanut butter on their bills xD
1st of DECEMBER! From today onward, I will attempt to make all photos xmas themed for the last month. I would have done so today, but my tree wasn’t up ^^;


11.11.11 11:11:11

An historic moment! One that will not be experience for another millennium!

Crappy pic, but my friends and I all gathered to watch the clock of my friend’s watch tick over the magical date. Was epic.
Anticlimatic, but epic. And we had a fun day ^^



First of the month of October! Frightening how fast the year is going o_O
