Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “white


He’s so cute, but so annoying! He follows me everywhere!

Kaizer? I don’t know how to spell his name ^^;


Urban Backalleys

Went to pick up the car mum bought today. She bought this car of trademe that personally I really dislike. Really. This is a picture of the area from which we bought it [I’ll photograph the car on a day when I’m desperately in need of a picture..which is often >.<]

Could have made it better, but it was so light. I wish I could photograph stuff like this more often.


You’re fat?!

This is Jazz.

She is so fat now! Poor thing ]= We need to start walking her more…


Leaving so soon?

He’s the last puppy to go…But we have one left!

Veya is gone also now. Two dogs left =]



Making some makeshift ears for my costume [it’s a dress up day for school tomorrow].

I’m going to be a Mokona! The ears aren’t that great, but meh!
