Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “wet

The Land

Terrible weather, which sucks. Last day ]=



I was early in getting ready for school this morning, so I went out and decided to photograph some of the dew drops. It’s cool mornings like these where it’s a soft grey, light fog and dew on everything that I love.

I was also playing with the manual focus so I could actually photograph the little beads. Rather content with this=]



Beautiful foggy morning, with dewy grass. I managed to snap a pic or two before rushing off to my bus^^

I love dew, and macro shots like this, so I hope I get[/make] more time for them!


An Unwanted Waterfeature

So we had tons of rain yesterday, and while I was going for a walk [to the library, like a cool person] I saw this house. And it’s flooded garden. What was funny was that it actually looked like it might be intended, but it wasn’t because I’ve seen this house tons of times…

I thought it was awesome. I wish my garden had the potential to flood awesomely >.<


Summer snow

For once I’m glad I procrastinated my picture, because I rather like this shot. It looks like snow in my eyes, but it’s just the rain ^^

I usually hate flash, but I discovered that it can be used to make rain look awesome=D So this is just an average picture of it raining at night, and the flash makes the rain awesome!
