Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “time

Feeding Ducks!

Had a picnic with some friends today, and we were feeding ducks! I love feeding ducks, they’re so awesome!

I fed them peanutbutter sammies, and they got peanut butter on their bills xD
1st of DECEMBER! From today onward, I will attempt to make all photos xmas themed for the last month. I would have done so today, but my tree wasn’t up ^^;


Summer is set!

My cousin [who is totally awesome] gave me a bunch of books to read. So, since it’s soon summer holidays, and I’m going to be finished with exams, I’ll have infinite time to read them! [supposedly]


Chalking madness

Awesome day! Chalked my bf’s driveway with chalk to welcome him home from his overseas holiday! We got sunburnt a tad, but fully worth it!

Best. Thing. Ever!


Paper Bouquet

Was making a birthday present for my friend today! It is a bouquet of oragami tulips ^^

Too much time, since that star vase was, despite repetitive in folding, difficult to make.


My kisses to you

A little thing I made. Spent ages cutting out those kisses!
