Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “stuff


Despite me actually going out and having a life, doing interesting stuff in interesting places, I still don’t take pictures! I am therefore left to photographing various household objects and stuff…

Maybe one day, this attempt at making conceptual images out of random household objects will pay off.
Anyways, the day before my birthday! It has been a great past year, and as I come of age…well, y’know, it’s getting older so…><
I've kept this up for almost a third of the year, this is amazing!


Nic Nac’s

I don’t really have motivation to make a stunning photo [or composed photo] so I’ll give you a glimpse of some assorted items on my bedroom dresser ^^

They’re rather random…except the pokemon. That’s to be expected >< [and the corner of a bus ticket at the side]



Far too tired to take a picture of anything decent ><


Shadowy UFO’s

They look kind of like UFO’s…the shadows…
Lacking late night motivation!


A burst of Colour

Rather uninteresting day, until I was driving to town this afternoon and saw the most gorgeous rainbow! When I was able to stop and photograph it, however, I only had my phone, and I was in the position where the colour isn’t as intense because the sun is kind of in front of you and yea…but it was gorgeous seeing it!

Brightened my day=]
