Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “stuff


This is what I am currently doing: on the computer, in the dark. And I’m off to bed shortly ><

My desktop is a picture I took at this beautiful garden^^ [I’m getting incredibly lazy ^^;;]
And May the Fourth be with you!


The Importance of Being Earnest

I’m writing my essay, on the lovely play by Oscar Wilde “The Importance Of Being Earnest”. And although this is a milestone, being a third of the way through the year, and I’m still posting!…well, I’m writing an essay ^^;

But, it is May 1st, a new month, a new chunk of year…? Anyways, I hope I can try get pictures up to scratch[but y’know, homework…]


Autumn colours

WOW. It’s NOT black and white O:
Today I was hanging out with some mates, and as we were walking along the street was particularly beautiful ^^ I love autumn.

I did, however, use my phone, and only snapped a shot, so it’s not as good as it could be compositionally and stuffs. Anyways, it was gorgeous^^



I feel like this picture is a good representation of what I’ve been doing lately: skyping. And skype calling xD

And I need to be bothered to take a decent picture one day….



Happy birthday to me! Haha ^^ Well, today was rather uneventful, playing old video games, until this afternoon where I was made an awesome birthday video by a friend of mine! Then I was given a beautiful necklace with my name, this pandora bracelet and an iPad2![which will be arriving next week ><]

All in all, a wonderful birthday!
And a wonderful birthday feast in which I’m incredibly full from ><
