Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “study

Morning Adventures

I may have woken up incredibly early, but it was worth it! Exams are almost over, and this sunrise and my early walk was exactly what I needed to lift my terrible mood.

I am still somewhat stressed because I do have one more exam, but after that, I CAN CHILL!


Cracks in the glass?

Bio exam…ehhh…
I was sitting in my car, chilling until my drama lesson, and I noticed this on the windshield.

Somewhat frightened, since this is the third crack. Might need to get a new car! [oh wait, mum bought a one last night :/]



Been needing energy boosts, what with exams rather underway



Now it’s math study time! And this is my current best friend:

Personally, I loathe the use of calculators, but in exams I rely on them to relieve my brain of stress [because as much as I love calculating in my head, in an exam I simply have no time].
[I am really such a nerd]


Physics Study

I love physics. I hate the high school subject that focusses on classical mechanics and circuits and electricity and other crap THAT I DON’T CARE ABOUT.

It really irritates me, since I can’t enjoy my favourite subject. I hope the exam goes well…
