Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “storm

Stormy lights

Wonderful rain tonight!

Not so wonderful attempt at capturing it, but oh well!



Snapped this shot on my way to school. It was raining, so the window made the shot rather…unclear, and it looks vaguely b&w. There were storm clouds where I was going, and I was taking a picture of the last bits of blue sky left in the other direction ^^;;

If only the rainbow was awesomer I’d have photographed that.
I’m also reaching the stage where I cannot remember if I’ve repeated titles before. Here’s hoping I haven’t with this boring one ><


Summer snow

For once I’m glad I procrastinated my picture, because I rather like this shot. It looks like snow in my eyes, but it’s just the rain ^^

I usually hate flash, but I discovered that it can be used to make rain look awesome=D So this is just an average picture of it raining at night, and the flash makes the rain awesome!
