Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “smoke

Playing with Fire

Went to my friend’s brithday, Smj, with wafflerain, and we went to a farm! We explored the untamed forest, shot at cans, and spent a good 5 hours playing with fire =D

This is an image of the beautiful forest. Really, you can’t capture how amazing it was! [and my phone camera isn’t that great, and I had to focus on not falling on my face so I didn’t get many photo’s ^^;]. It was simply amazing! I wish I could have immortalised how awesome it was.
We found chalk[by the house haha]! Mine is the far left, and the other two are Smj’s =D
We made a fire to cook our dinner, and ended up just burning various things for about 5 hours xD My nose is still unable to pick up smells since the smoke practically destroyed my ability to smell. I also burnt my finger, but I had it coming…[don’t touch embers, no matter how pretty they are].
Was an awesome day!
