Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “sit


Long day, and really tired. Neo was beside me, so I decided he can, yet again, feature on my blog. He seems to like the computer area, and as taken to sitting on the printer ><




I have pictures of my new kitten! Albeit not very good quality ones, because he is still incredibly shy and timid and I can’t get within a meter of him with the camera…but oh well!

Here he is exploring. I should mention that I call him Felix, although he isn’t officially named yet [because the dispute of cat names in my household is tremendous ><]

He caught me photographing him. Little darling ^^ He’s a purebred British Blue by the way.

I still think he looks totally like a Felix, but now my family are thinking of calling him Shadow…which seems far too dark for him. He’s totally shy and curious! I really need more name suggestions…
