Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “shadow


This is what I am currently doing: on the computer, in the dark. And I’m off to bed shortly ><

My desktop is a picture I took at this beautiful garden^^ [I’m getting incredibly lazy ^^;;]
And May the Fourth be with you!



Despite me actually going out and having a life, doing interesting stuff in interesting places, I still don’t take pictures! I am therefore left to photographing various household objects and stuff…

Maybe one day, this attempt at making conceptual images out of random household objects will pay off.
Anyways, the day before my birthday! It has been a great past year, and as I come of age…well, y’know, it’s getting older so…><
I've kept this up for almost a third of the year, this is amazing!


Piece of nature

As I was walking, the sun was at the perfect place in the sky and the light made the clouds look incredible and painterly! Sadly, I was in a terrible position to take photos [in the middle of a street of houses -_-] so I settled for trying to make a photo out of the tree that was nearby.

Because of this, I missed making it in time to my hill to photograph the intensely crimson sunset D: Alas.
Next time, I shall not dawdle on uninteresting photo’s! [but as for looking at the clouds…yea, cannot be helped]


The Shadow Self

I was standing on the washingline…and I thought I’d take some shadow photo’s! The problem is that I can’t actually take them myself and therefore they barely turned out well. Regardless, they are the photo’s I have, and I’m using them!

I need to work on shadow photo’s.


Shadowy UFO’s

They look kind of like UFO’s…the shadows…
Lacking late night motivation!
