Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “sad

The Land

Terrible weather, which sucks. Last day ]=


Spring Sakura’s

Last day of school!!! One of our best teacher’s left, and the whole day was a celebration. Sad, but good. And what made it better was the Sakura flowers that I could photograph in the beautiful afternoon light!

Holiday’s will bring awesome!


For a great cat

It’s my name in chinese *gasp*

Today Neo died…We found him out near the front of our house, which is near a road, so he much of been clipped by a car during the night…]=
He was such a ratbag, and sneaky, and cute, and loveable. I’ll miss him ]=
In honor of him:


The HP Adventure

I went for a walk in the afternoon, since my friend, whose house I was staying at for the night, kicked me out to do some things without a distraction ^^; Needless to say, I’m a pretty wonderful distraction!

Anyways, I got a lovely walk, and took a couple pics on the way.

That night, a bunch of friends and I went to see the last Harry Potter film! It was so sad!! D: I had actually already seen it a couple days before, but still!

So this is an interesting picture I took of the foodcourt’s reflection in the ceiling, that was odd ^^;



So my darling Jazzy has been returned to the breeder to be entered in competitions and be impregnated! I miss her so much! I got home from German camp only to see that, in return, we have her 9 year old mother to look after until Jazzy gets back. Veya may look similar to Jazz, but she’s bulkier, longer hair, timid and doesn’t like going outside. The total opposite to Jazz!

Here is Veya. It was rather sad. I took her for a walk, and she walked NEXT TO ME. I know I used to complain about Jazz practically ripping my arm off when we walked, and being a total pain, but she’s so much nicer…
