Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “rays

Morning Rays

Dad and I went for a trip to Rotorua, for some father daughter time! We left rather early, and the sunrise was beautiful against the mountains =D

Looks like the light is spilling over the mountains ^-^ [I feel proud of my photoshopping[it was crooked, and I photo shopped it straight ^^]]
Veya is now gone. Staying with our grandparents for a few weeks. Whilst I was at my grandparents, this creepy spider ran in front of me and no one but me saw it D:

Still, it looks awesome in the photo! THE DETAIL. Disgusting though [despite me still following it outside and until it scurried into a planter].
The rest of the day we drove around, visited his friend, and then back home. A nice relaxing day!



Pretty clouds =]
If only I had my actual camera when I went for a walk…


Piece of nature

As I was walking, the sun was at the perfect place in the sky and the light made the clouds look incredible and painterly! Sadly, I was in a terrible position to take photos [in the middle of a street of houses -_-] so I settled for trying to make a photo out of the tree that was nearby.

Because of this, I missed making it in time to my hill to photograph the intensely crimson sunset D: Alas.
Next time, I shall not dawdle on uninteresting photo’s! [but as for looking at the clouds…yea, cannot be helped]
