Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “purebred


He’s so cute, but so annoying! He follows me everywhere!

Kaizer? I don’t know how to spell his name ^^;


Leaving so soon?

He’s the last puppy to go…But we have one left!

Veya is gone also now. Two dogs left =]


A moment’s ease

The last one will be going soon [the last one to sell that is]

What a cutie ^^


Puppy family

They look like a little family! [although one is missing…]



Neo decided he wanted to bug me in my bedroom, and was spying me off the side of my bed. Luckily, he’s absolutely gorgeous^^

He must think the camera is some evil device or something like that, because whenever I go to photograph him he scatters >< Or, like in this shot, give me a terrified face.

Don’t look down! 😀
