Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “plant


Idk really >.>

Playing with Sepia.


Garden Alien

Saw this random fungi at my aunties as she was gardening. It’s truly so odd…

I wonder what it is. It looked all alien and crazy.


Nature’s teeth

Went for a walk, as I do, and saw some plants I had to photograph. Don’t know the exact name, unless it was aloevera…meh.

Like little teeth, lit up by the sunlight=]

I like this plant very much^^



International Day of Awesomeness! But instead of gushing about that here, I’ll do it in my other blog.
I took advantage of being somewhere different and snapped a picture of a caterpillar on my friend’s swan plant.

I was in a hurry, about to leave for Bridge club, so it’s not particularly great, but it’s still kinda cute =]
