Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “phenomena

Lightning! And other nature things

Today has been a wonderful day in terms of outside! The rain, the sunset, the sky~ I just feel I should show all the awesome! [despite the photographs being just snaps ^^;]

This is the amazing sunset=D

And the amazing Rainbow! I wish I got the whole thing…

Lightning storm. It’s hard to photograph, but I did video it! Sadly, cannot show that ^^;
I guess it wasn’t the most intelligent thing, standing out in the rain to watch it, but it was worth it because the air smelt wonderfully of fireworks, the rain was cool and refreshing to listen to, and of course the sky flashing sporadically ^^


Crimson flare

Beautiful magnificent morning! Watched the moon lunar eclipse my whole way to school =D The the sky was absolutely amazing! Sadly, I missed the best of it, so my picture is only a tiny hint of it’s amazingness!!

Gorgeous and red and wow it was so gorgeous!~


Morning Rays

Dad and I went for a trip to Rotorua, for some father daughter time! We left rather early, and the sunrise was beautiful against the mountains =D

Looks like the light is spilling over the mountains ^-^ [I feel proud of my photoshopping[it was crooked, and I photo shopped it straight ^^]]
Veya is now gone. Staying with our grandparents for a few weeks. Whilst I was at my grandparents, this creepy spider ran in front of me and no one but me saw it D:

Still, it looks awesome in the photo! THE DETAIL. Disgusting though [despite me still following it outside and until it scurried into a planter].
The rest of the day we drove around, visited his friend, and then back home. A nice relaxing day!



I can’t help it. I’m in love with clouds^-^ I even made an effort NOT to post cloud pictures often, because otherwise every day would be a cloud picture, and maybe even a ramble about that cloud…But I couldn’t help it, this was awesome!

It’s called iridescence. When the sun’s rays reflect[refract?] off the ice crystals in the higher atmosphere clouds [aka. cirrus clouds].It causes a beautiful rainbow effect!

I can’t remember the exact scientific reason it happens, but it’s awesome phenomena and beautiful! If only my camera had better zoom, it’d be less…not clear ><
