Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “paper

Boxing it up

Had a pretty fun day today! Went shopping, bought clothes, went to the local gardens and sadly forgot my camera D: Instead, here is some of the origami I did beforehand.

Origami boxes to organise my cranes. Getting near 700!


My life in a stack

Bought a new stack of paper today, since I’m folding 1000 paper cranes!

I’ve folded almost 500 currently, and it’s only been four days, so I’m quite certain I can finish by christmas like I hoped.


Christmas Angels

Every year, we never have a decoration for the top of the tree [or we get one, and it immediately breaks]. Therefore, I always make it!

I made an angel. Basic, but I think it adds a nice creative, colourful touch =]


Art Station!

I was arty today! And I was in desperate need of using my chalk, so I played around with chalk and water and paint.

Got mixed results, but it was fun!


Lillies of paper

Some oragami madness to introduce the month! Only two more to go O:
