Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “landscape

An Evening

A sunset for a change =]


Spring setting

Got the chance to photograph the sunset! I was waiting at a bus stop.

Not the best pic, but still ~ I love spring sunsets!
Also, happy birthday dad!


Evening cloud

Just a snap of the cloud.


Envelopes and Moons

To make up for my lack of good photo’s, here are TWO.

This is the amazing envelope I made! It’s so perfect, and awesome, and the best envelope EVER. I should totally do a tutorial on envelope making!

Gorgeous moon tonight. This is just a wee shot of it. I’m going out to take pics with the telescope, but I don’t think I’ll post those [maybe tomorrow, for special, if they are good ^^]



The moon was super super amazing and gorgeous!! But it was so difficult to get a nice picture ><

The sky was so clear and the mountains so crisp. It’s a shame my camera cannot show that in the image…
