Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “hot

Boxing it up

Had a pretty fun day today! Went shopping, bought clothes, went to the local gardens and sadly forgot my camera D: Instead, here is some of the origami I did beforehand.

Origami boxes to organise my cranes. Getting near 700!


Let it Burn

Candles are fun. As is fire=D Flames are so pretty…

My friend was making a flamethrower of her impulse spray deoderant, but sadly I couldn’t photograph the awesome flame fast enough>< Need to do this again…


Hot Air Balloon

Celebration time! It’s a quarter of the way into the year and I have achieved the feat of a picture everyday so far! Although many have been rather rushed, and maybe I haven’t been able to post *exactly* on time, I’ve taken that daily picture.
It’s balloon season, and on my way to school this morning I couldn’t help but photograph the balloons^^ Sadly, they aren’t the best, considering we were driving at 100kmh and I was photographing out the window><

Tomorrow night I’ll be seeing a lot more balloons. Whether I get good photographs or not is another story ^^;


Frosty Unicorn

My house is really warm, so I opened the window to stick my head out into the fresh air and notice the fogged up window. It made for an interesting snap.

Looks kind of like a unicorn! The weirdness the foggyness makes…



I don’t even know. I just took a picture of what was next to me xD

Dad’s homegrown chilis. Nom^^
