Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “head

Working class

Just my hair, in a bun. One of those rare days I put my hair up [I was studying, so I needed it out of my face]



Making some makeshift ears for my costume [it’s a dress up day for school tomorrow].

I’m going to be a Mokona! The ears aren’t that great, but meh!


Hair tie

FIRST DAY OF SPRING. My class went and hugged trees at school.

I got home late, so this is a random object beside my computer [a hairtie, how typically girly]


The Gamer

I have a brother who has made himself at home in front of the TV, with his headset and Xbox playing COD or some equally irritating game which causes him to be antisocial.
Decided he could be my photo for today.

See that headset? I think it’s his new best friend ><
