Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “happy

Spring Sakura’s

Last day of school!!! One of our best teacher’s left, and the whole day was a celebration. Sad, but good. And what made it better was the Sakura flowers that I could photograph in the beautiful afternoon light!

Holiday’s will bring awesome!


Spring setting

Got the chance to photograph the sunset! I was waiting at a bus stop.

Not the best pic, but still ~ I love spring sunsets!
Also, happy birthday dad!


Puppy grin

The puppies are alive! And by alive, I mean walking about. They are intensely adorable!! =D

You can get some of the best looks when you’re snapping them ^^



Party day!~ My birthday is next week, but I had my party today so that people could come ^^[since some people couldn’t come on my ACTUAL birthday]. It was awesome! I took a group of mates paintballing, and then had a sleepover^^
Not many pictures were taken…so here is the cake! [which my friend baked for me, and it was DELICIOUS].



Pretty clouds =]
If only I had my actual camera when I went for a walk…
