Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “handcraft

Christmas Angels

Every year, we never have a decoration for the top of the tree [or we get one, and it immediately breaks]. Therefore, I always make it!

I made an angel. Basic, but I think it adds a nice creative, colourful touch =]


Paper crafts and gifts!

This is my friend’s card. Her birthday is tomorrow. I kinda just vomited paper and colour everywhere ^^;


Paper Bouquet

Was making a birthday present for my friend today! It is a bouquet of oragami tulips ^^

Too much time, since that star vase was, despite repetitive in folding, difficult to make.


Mr Owl

Cute adorable card that my dad got ^^


Envelopes and Moons

To make up for my lack of good photo’s, here are TWO.

This is the amazing envelope I made! It’s so perfect, and awesome, and the best envelope EVER. I should totally do a tutorial on envelope making!

Gorgeous moon tonight. This is just a wee shot of it. I’m going out to take pics with the telescope, but I don’t think I’ll post those [maybe tomorrow, for special, if they are good ^^]
