Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “gust

Golden Autumn

The street was gorgeous, with the leaves being whipped around in flurries and whirlwinds on the street by the gusts. There are these beautiful trees with yellow leaves I absolutely love, because when it’s autumn, they all drop into piles half footpath half road. So when you look up the road, you see intervals of golden yellow, and the leaves floating through the air with the wind, and it’s so pretty…

I was taking photo’s of these yellow leaves before my camera died [hence the not-so-great photo, I was hurrying to simply capture the moment], and a little boy stopped next to me on his bike and asked ‘What are you doing?’ So I replied taking pictures of the leaves, and he said ‘Why?’ and I said ‘They’re pretty’. He gave me a strange look ><;
I feel like being poetic, but at the same time I rather enjoy doing nothing ^^; Hopefully, if tomorrow is as beautiful as today, I can write some poetry, something I haven't done in a while[I need it, as you can see by how much I've written-need to write!].
