Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “glitter

Paper crafts and gifts!

This is my friend’s card. Her birthday is tomorrow. I kinda just vomited paper and colour everywhere ^^;



I was early in getting ready for school this morning, so I went out and decided to photograph some of the dew drops. It’s cool mornings like these where it’s a soft grey, light fog and dew on everything that I love.

I was also playing with the manual focus so I could actually photograph the little beads. Rather content with this=]


Little Green Star

The title is rather literal >< At a loss for what to photograph once more, so ya!


Mocking Stars

It was raining so I couldn’t help but wait until night to take a picture^^ I attempted at the using flash to make the rain/drizzle looks glittery again, but it didn’t turn out too well…I need to be better prepared next time. With composition and ideas of what I’m going to try photograph…anyway, I still like the glitteryness=]

Glitter dust=]

Every attempt at cropping it failed. All I really wanted was the light with the glittery background, but I couldn’t crop it nicely or simply.[basically I need photoshop and am too tired to play with that atm]. Still, I like the glittery=]


Summer snow

For once I’m glad I procrastinated my picture, because I rather like this shot. It looks like snow in my eyes, but it’s just the rain ^^

I usually hate flash, but I discovered that it can be used to make rain look awesome=D So this is just an average picture of it raining at night, and the flash makes the rain awesome!
