Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “fungi

Garden Alien

Saw this random fungi at my aunties as she was gardening. It’s truly so odd…

I wonder what it is. It looked all alien and crazy.


Little Red and White

Was raking leaves, and was sad at the lack of toadstools this year when…I spotted on! Under the treehouse amongst the grass ^^

I rather like the toadstools, especially like this when they look incredibly fairytale like. All red and white and so…fantasy.

Even if it is just fungi ><


Fungi Family

There was awesome fungi! I couldn’t get too good a picture because I was afraid of it touching my camera[and me] and kept a safeish distance, but it’s still awesome!

They kind of look like little homes to leprechauns or something, because the clover is like a little banner/flag thing^-^[even if it’s normal, not four-leaved or anything].

I was also watching my brother’s cricket. I’m trying to improve on my sports photography, so here’s just a shot which I like [because he looks like he’s dancing xD]. I wasn’t able to go any closer though, so the quality is grainy :/ And I need to work on my timing ^^;

And that’s just a funny shot I got of the bowler. I couldn’t get a decent shot sadly, but oh well!
