Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “fun

The End of A Resolution

I never really see my new year’s resolutions being finished, but amazingly, this one has! Even though I have been ridiculously slack in my picture content, and uploading, I have taken that picture everyday[in some cases that has been difficult] I don’t know if I should do it next year however!
Maybe I shall, just because next year is my final year in high school, and I will have a better time doing it [as in, after high school, I have no idea how much time I’ll have to do stuff].
Anyway, for all who have viewed this blog, I thank you. I don’t really have much else to say! I’m going to blog on my other blog[lovely sentence…] after this about my year [somewhat].

I wish all well for next year!


Poke’ Days

A bit of reminiscing as I get out the pokemon cards to teach my friend how to play. Ahh, the good days…


Christmas Mousse!

Christmas Day! Best day ever too! Saw my best friends and bf and fav cousins and CHOCOLATE MOUSSE!

Didn’t get too many gifts, but I’m content =]


Lucy Goodheart!

More helping today! It was alot busier since there were bigger productions, but equally as fun! Mangaroo dubsteb, you cad, dribble dribble, SLUUURP! Much fun! The performance was fun, but the entire day with two equally crazy people [ehehe…I was possibly the craziest] was the best!

This is me in my performance. Not the best pic ^^; It was super fun! Melodrama and all. I’ll miss that group :’)


Boxing it up

Had a pretty fun day today! Went shopping, bought clothes, went to the local gardens and sadly forgot my camera D: Instead, here is some of the origami I did beforehand.

Origami boxes to organise my cranes. Getting near 700!
