Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “friends

Feeding Ducks!

Had a picnic with some friends today, and we were feeding ducks! I love feeding ducks, they’re so awesome!

I fed them peanutbutter sammies, and they got peanut butter on their bills xD
1st of DECEMBER! From today onward, I will attempt to make all photos xmas themed for the last month. I would have done so today, but my tree wasn’t up ^^;


11.11.11 11:11:11

An historic moment! One that will not be experience for another millennium!

Crappy pic, but my friends and I all gathered to watch the clock of my friend’s watch tick over the magical date. Was epic.
Anticlimatic, but epic. And we had a fun day ^^



Happy birthday to me! Haha ^^ Well, today was rather uneventful, playing old video games, until this afternoon where I was made an awesome birthday video by a friend of mine! Then I was given a beautiful necklace with my name, this pandora bracelet and an iPad2![which will be arriving next week ><]

All in all, a wonderful birthday!
And a wonderful birthday feast in which I’m incredibly full from ><



Party day!~ My birthday is next week, but I had my party today so that people could come ^^[since some people couldn’t come on my ACTUAL birthday]. It was awesome! I took a group of mates paintballing, and then had a sleepover^^
Not many pictures were taken…so here is the cake! [which my friend baked for me, and it was DELICIOUS].


Yellow Eye

I was at my friend’s and her dad went fishing. I just took random pictures of the fish ><

It was very fun though! We made pizza’s and watched movies and such. [and yet my picture is of a fish…>.>]
