Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “flower

Watery Jewels

Heading to drama, as per usual, but it began to pour with rain. I got off the bus to be greeted by flat out pouring rain >< Normally, I might have just wandered and got drenched, but I had drama so I ran to the nearest cover.

The awesome thing was that rain makes for awesome photo’s, and I simply adore taking pictures of dew. Petals. Dew. Awesome ^^

This was one of my favourites. I think the tones just…speak to me, or something strange like that.

It looks kind of like a heart, the dew a little jewel or something inside it. ^-^
Anyways, my school photography club has a competition, and the theme is ‘Contrast’. Hopefully, I can think and enter a photograph in time! [I suck with deadlines].
Also, I managed not to start a sentence with ‘so’. It was actually a conscious effort ^^;;


The Colours of sunset

Today was a great day! Not only because it was the day after yesterday, which was equally as awesome, but because I got an award in assembly! I received a flower for my 71 excellence credits from NCEA, earning me 3rd place in the top ten scholars of my year^^

This is totally awesome, I’ve never received a flower for anything! And at our school, a flower is like, the ultimate reward^^

Then, tonight, I wanted to photograph the sunset, but left rather late. I had to run the 1km down my road and up a hill, and I made it just in time to get some shots of the orange sky…regardless, I thought my pictures were alright, and I still had a nice walk^^

This shot is very…atmospheric. I rather like it. I think the colours of the sunset were rather gorgeous tonight. Usually they’re particularly neon, but they were nice and soft:D Probably because of the awesome clouds…^^


Red And White

As I was leaving my friends house, I couldn’t help but take pictures of her flowers. She has an amazing garden! It looked absolutely beautiful all lit by the midday sun=D I would have taken more pictures, but I had to rush home…anyway, I liked this little flower^-^

Then, at home, my calendar informed me that today was ‘Love your dog Day’. So again, I honor my beautiful darling Jazzy by posting a picture of her gloriousness here=D

Her gloriousness + me loving her=D



First of the month! Of Februrary, to be exact =D And on my calendar, for every day of Februrary, I’ve written the daily holiday that is celebrated! This website is my guide to the silly and weird American holiday’s celebrated every day! Of course, I don’t live in America, so they don’t particularly apply, but their fun to celebrate nonetheless!
Today’s holiday was Freedom day! Appropriate as it was my last day of freedom before starting school tomorrow. It was a great day! I associate the colour yellow with freedom, so I took another yellow flower picture. One that, to me, say’s ‘freedom’


Angry skies and Woven flowers

I have two pictures today because I couldn’t decide which better reflected my mood><

A very moody sky. The clouds were really angry looking, but then the blue kind of makes them less angry…ha

A flower weaved out of flax. This is my friend’s, and we received them three years ago as part of our end of year rewards. It’s kinda cool how it lasts so long =D

So here’s an end to month number one! I’m really glad at how I’ve managed to snap and post a picture for every day! Looking back on last year when I tried this, I’m glad to see that I’ve actually stuck with it, not stopped after a week, or forgotten.

I think I’ll save the rambling for my other blog ^^; But I’m just glad to say that I’ve achieved one month of snapping! WOO!
