Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “flower

Lillies of paper

Some oragami madness to introduce the month! Only two more to go O:


Paper Bouquet

Was making a birthday present for my friend today! It is a bouquet of oragami tulips ^^

Too much time, since that star vase was, despite repetitive in folding, difficult to make.


The HP Adventure

I went for a walk in the afternoon, since my friend, whose house I was staying at for the night, kicked me out to do some things without a distraction ^^; Needless to say, I’m a pretty wonderful distraction!

Anyways, I got a lovely walk, and took a couple pics on the way.

That night, a bunch of friends and I went to see the last Harry Potter film! It was so sad!! D: I had actually already seen it a couple days before, but still!

So this is an interesting picture I took of the foodcourt’s reflection in the ceiling, that was odd ^^;



Went for a bike ride! It was awesome. I got majorly distracted trying to photograph this butterfly, but I managed to snap it while it was still for a sec =D


Autumn Bloom

Today, I just noticed the flowers in my garden. They only bloom once a year. I didn’t get too great a pic tonight, but I’ll definitely photograph them more^^
