Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “flash

Lightning! And other nature things

Today has been a wonderful day in terms of outside! The rain, the sunset, the sky~ I just feel I should show all the awesome! [despite the photographs being just snaps ^^;]

This is the amazing sunset=D

And the amazing Rainbow! I wish I got the whole thing…

Lightning storm. It’s hard to photograph, but I did video it! Sadly, cannot show that ^^;
I guess it wasn’t the most intelligent thing, standing out in the rain to watch it, but it was worth it because the air smelt wonderfully of fireworks, the rain was cool and refreshing to listen to, and of course the sky flashing sporadically ^^


Little Weedling

Late night post = rushed picture. I kinda just randomly crawled along the ground taking photo’s and then found this little weed poking through the gaps in the stones :p
Oh well^-^


Summer snow

For once I’m glad I procrastinated my picture, because I rather like this shot. It looks like snow in my eyes, but it’s just the rain ^^

I usually hate flash, but I discovered that it can be used to make rain look awesome=D So this is just an average picture of it raining at night, and the flash makes the rain awesome!
