Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “fire


Fireworks extravaganza! It’s so difficult photographing them.

They were really pretty though! Not bad for my little town.

Here’s a vlog of mine also, just to add =]



Was super late, and I just wanted to sleep ><


White fire

Some gorgeous clouds! One of my teachers actually got distracted by the clouds in one of my lessons today. She looks out the window and exclaims ‘Wow the clouds are wonderful today’ and I felt rather nerdy when she asked if anyone knew what they were, and I could answer ><

Oh well, I love clouds and I'm proud of it!



A Lighter.

Getting scarce on late night ideas ><


Playing with Fire

Went to my friend’s brithday, Smj, with wafflerain, and we went to a farm! We explored the untamed forest, shot at cans, and spent a good 5 hours playing with fire =D

This is an image of the beautiful forest. Really, you can’t capture how amazing it was! [and my phone camera isn’t that great, and I had to focus on not falling on my face so I didn’t get many photo’s ^^;]. It was simply amazing! I wish I could have immortalised how awesome it was.
We found chalk[by the house haha]! Mine is the far left, and the other two are Smj’s =D
We made a fire to cook our dinner, and ended up just burning various things for about 5 hours xD My nose is still unable to pick up smells since the smoke practically destroyed my ability to smell. I also burnt my finger, but I had it coming…[don’t touch embers, no matter how pretty they are].
Was an awesome day!
