Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “eye


My friend’s gorgeous eye! I was amazed I hadn’t already photographed it >< It's got a pretty star pattern =D

She was doing my makeup today. It was crazy: I fail with makeup.


Yellow Eye

I was at my friend’s and her dad went fishing. I just took random pictures of the fish ><

It was very fun though! We made pizza’s and watched movies and such. [and yet my picture is of a fish…>.>]


Day 3~

Day 3! I’d learnt all my girls’ names and was definitely settled in. It was a great day=D

I was snapping pictures during afternoon tea and this little boy was just so cute! I thought I’d post this picture=]

Another eye pic^^; My friend Jaquie’s eye. The iris is beautiful innit? >.<

So the camp is a Christian camp, and I every hour of the day a leader would be praying for camp and activities and stuff, and it was my hour. I was just praying and chilling out, listening to some music and I noticed the bible on the wall. I thought I’d take a pic=D It’s the whole entire bible pasted onto the wall. This is just a small picture to show you[read the verse if you like, but it’s not relevant^^; I just took a random picture].



So today I was only going to post another eye, but I went for a lovely drive and took a lovely picture to match=D

My friend’s eye. When I went back to look at it I actually saw that I’m reflected in her eye! Still, I love the design in the iris. A similar pattern to my own eye. It’s because we are both winter ;P

I had to drive my father to a party, and I saw the opportunity for a photo, so…PHOTO! I rather like the small transparent fleck that features here=]



Lately I’ve been fascinated with eyes, specifically the patterns in the iris. So I’ve been taking pictures of peoples eyes! I currently have a rather good collection, but seeing as I’m posting the pictures I take in the day I post[ack, terrible sentence structure] I’ll have to go take some more, so I can post them =D [Terrible sentence, but I hope the message got across:)]

My beautiful eye! This photo is rather terrible, to be honest, but it captures the pattern in the iris, and the sun makes the brown look slightly nicer than it really is >.< [just kind of hide the eyebrow, and the eye looks rather decent. I couldn't crop it out because otherwise it zoomed too close and there was necessary detail]. It took 40 tries for this photo, so I hope you can understand how hard it is to nicely photograph one's own eye!
