Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “experiment

Of Microscopes and Cells

In bio today, we were looking at onion cells! For like, the hundredth [or fourth] time! Anyways, I thought the microscope made everything look awesome, and the teacher let me photograph the cells and stuff^^
I was using my phone, so the quality isn’t as good, and I wasn’t able to focus too well ><

The ruler through a microscope ^^ [it looked cooler when you could see it physically, not just…in a photograph]

Onion cells! I rather like how it’s through the lens, with the little circle =] And the detail O:


Shadowed Bridge

How unoriginal my titles are >< But alas. Anyway, I have no idea what I was photographing, but that I wanted to take a photo.

I like the contrast between the shadow and the light, but I lost the focus badly. I blame the sun in my eyes and I couldn’t clearly see what I was photographing on the screen ^^;;


Pacman crashed athletics day

Today was my school athletics day! I usually compete in one or two non-competitive events, but this time I designated myself official school photographer! (despite not taking as many photo’s as I’d hoped…). I’m not actually the ‘school photographer’ but I’m planning on changing that! Anyway, here are two entertaining shots from the high jump.

I only really photographed the high jump and javelin, because all my friends were doing those two events and they were beside each other. I did take a few of sprints, but otherwise I missed most other activities ><;;(because socialising took over. amazing right?).

The left is one of my more awesome javelin photo’s. It was rather difficult to photograph because I wasn’t allowed to be on the field where they were throwing (so I wouldn’t be impaled…). The right is of three people who dressed up as pac man and ghosts xD Best. House costumes. Ever. (everyone has to dress up in house colours).

Well, I hope that after all my random pictures these eventful ones are interesting=D


Fungi Family

There was awesome fungi! I couldn’t get too good a picture because I was afraid of it touching my camera[and me] and kept a safeish distance, but it’s still awesome!

They kind of look like little homes to leprechauns or something, because the clover is like a little banner/flag thing^-^[even if it’s normal, not four-leaved or anything].

I was also watching my brother’s cricket. I’m trying to improve on my sports photography, so here’s just a shot which I like [because he looks like he’s dancing xD]. I wasn’t able to go any closer though, so the quality is grainy :/ And I need to work on my timing ^^;

And that’s just a funny shot I got of the bowler. I couldn’t get a decent shot sadly, but oh well!



Lately I’ve been fascinated with eyes, specifically the patterns in the iris. So I’ve been taking pictures of peoples eyes! I currently have a rather good collection, but seeing as I’m posting the pictures I take in the day I post[ack, terrible sentence structure] I’ll have to go take some more, so I can post them =D [Terrible sentence, but I hope the message got across:)]

My beautiful eye! This photo is rather terrible, to be honest, but it captures the pattern in the iris, and the sun makes the brown look slightly nicer than it really is >.< [just kind of hide the eyebrow, and the eye looks rather decent. I couldn't crop it out because otherwise it zoomed too close and there was necessary detail]. It took 40 tries for this photo, so I hope you can understand how hard it is to nicely photograph one's own eye!
