Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “evening

Nature’s teeth

Went for a walk, as I do, and saw some plants I had to photograph. Don’t know the exact name, unless it was aloevera…meh.

Like little teeth, lit up by the sunlight=]

I like this plant very much^^


A little silver in the sunset

I walked into my bedroom to close the curtains, as you do, and caught a glimpse of the moon! I know my camera can’t take macro moon photo’s, but I still ran outside and snapped a nice pic of the sunset colours and a slither of moon =]



I was going for a walk and saw this cat. I just felt compelled to take a picture of it. I didn’t get many [well, any] good pictures until it decided it wanted to greet me. I ended up just patting it for 10mins.

Cute, nonetheless=]


The Colours of sunset

Today was a great day! Not only because it was the day after yesterday, which was equally as awesome, but because I got an award in assembly! I received a flower for my 71 excellence credits from NCEA, earning me 3rd place in the top ten scholars of my year^^

This is totally awesome, I’ve never received a flower for anything! And at our school, a flower is like, the ultimate reward^^

Then, tonight, I wanted to photograph the sunset, but left rather late. I had to run the 1km down my road and up a hill, and I made it just in time to get some shots of the orange sky…regardless, I thought my pictures were alright, and I still had a nice walk^^

This shot is very…atmospheric. I rather like it. I think the colours of the sunset were rather gorgeous tonight. Usually they’re particularly neon, but they were nice and soft:D Probably because of the awesome clouds…^^


Silver lining

Christchurch Earthquake today. Crazy stuff man. It’s probably one of the worst disasters to hit NZ in a long time, and that’s crazy because we thought the Miners tragedy had that slot! I’m so shocked! I’m too far away to be directly affected, but it’s still terrifying…

Anyway, these clouds were so damn gorgeous. They truly offered a bit of a silver lining to the grimness.
