Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “end

The End of A Resolution

I never really see my new year’s resolutions being finished, but amazingly, this one has! Even though I have been ridiculously slack in my picture content, and uploading, I have taken that picture everyday[in some cases that has been difficult] I don’t know if I should do it next year however!
Maybe I shall, just because next year is my final year in high school, and I will have a better time doing it [as in, after high school, I have no idea how much time I’ll have to do stuff].
Anyway, for all who have viewed this blog, I thank you. I don’t really have much else to say! I’m going to blog on my other blog[lovely sentence…] after this about my year [somewhat].

I wish all well for next year!


Rainy Greetings

My God almost the new year, and it’s raining!

You can’t see too much, but it is! Terrible weather for summer here!
I can’t believe this is almost over ;-;



The tree is bare! Taking it down today ]=

Even though christmas has just begun, technically, according to catholic belief[/the priest]


Chocolate dream

Another late pic. Instead of being all photographer like though, I just thought I’d showcase what’s in my fridge. Namely, how much chocolate we have.

The sad thing is, we had more about 3 hours ago[but my family go to them] and it’s not unusual for us to have this many chocolate bars lying around >.> We also have an abundance of energy drinks, chips, and other assorted junk food. And I’m the healthiest eater around and rather dislike it all.

Oh, we have one of those chupa chup containers like at the supermarket, with the lid with chupa chups on show, too. We had chupa chups non stop for 6 months last year, no joke.

What a totally random end to my Februrary of photography =]
