Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “country


An old building on the street of my town was being knocked down.

Quite sad really. All the buildings are about 100 years old or so. Alot of the town was gathering to watch. Poor cafe was just too abandoned I guess…



Went for a short walk to visit some cows! They’re so cute ^^

This little beefy calf was so adorable! If only my camera wasn’t dying, I’d have tried to make the picture better ><


Morning Rays

Dad and I went for a trip to Rotorua, for some father daughter time! We left rather early, and the sunrise was beautiful against the mountains =D

Looks like the light is spilling over the mountains ^-^ [I feel proud of my photoshopping[it was crooked, and I photo shopped it straight ^^]]
Veya is now gone. Staying with our grandparents for a few weeks. Whilst I was at my grandparents, this creepy spider ran in front of me and no one but me saw it D:

Still, it looks awesome in the photo! THE DETAIL. Disgusting though [despite me still following it outside and until it scurried into a planter].
The rest of the day we drove around, visited his friend, and then back home. A nice relaxing day!



This be NZ on the globe I found in my brothers room! My awesome country B)

The fact he has a globe is odd. He is the one who is constantly on runescape and COD…



Today, after 7-8 hours of stuttered sleep [I woke up every hour ><] I got up and wandered out to breath the fresh air and look at the awesome landscape! Sadly, most of it was blocked by trees ^^; So instead, I sat by the path into the forest on a wooden platform, and basked in the sun =D

I didn’t actually take many pictures, but videoed everything, because I loved the sound of the wood pigeons ^^ So this is just a photo of a fence…[how EXCITING].
Incredibly tired now.
Awesome fun though!
