Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “contrast

Little blue

Now I’m really trying to remember if I’ve used titles before O_o

Just a blue ribbon. Super tired ><



I was trying to photograph Jazzy, and Veya was outside. It made for a nice pic ^^[even though Jazz wouldn’t keep her head in the position I actually wanted it, and then Veya moved…eh]



A bit of contrast adjustment, and my hallway looks somewhat menacing xD

I rather like the tones. It looks very atmospheric, to me=]


Little Green Star

The title is rather literal >< At a loss for what to photograph once more, so ya!


Watery Jewels

Heading to drama, as per usual, but it began to pour with rain. I got off the bus to be greeted by flat out pouring rain >< Normally, I might have just wandered and got drenched, but I had drama so I ran to the nearest cover.

The awesome thing was that rain makes for awesome photo’s, and I simply adore taking pictures of dew. Petals. Dew. Awesome ^^

This was one of my favourites. I think the tones just…speak to me, or something strange like that.

It looks kind of like a heart, the dew a little jewel or something inside it. ^-^
Anyways, my school photography club has a competition, and the theme is ‘Contrast’. Hopefully, I can think and enter a photograph in time! [I suck with deadlines].
Also, I managed not to start a sentence with ‘so’. It was actually a conscious effort ^^;;
