Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “colourful

Clowning about

Saturday of drama help! Me and two others from my drama class help running the performances backstage, of which there were 4 today. I was in charge of clown makeup and costumes! The kids are SO CUTE!

Here are two adorable clowns. There were heaps of cute clowns that I didn’t photograph. I love helping out ^^


Christmas Angels

Every year, we never have a decoration for the top of the tree [or we get one, and it immediately breaks]. Therefore, I always make it!

I made an angel. Basic, but I think it adds a nice creative, colourful touch =]



Fireworks extravaganza! It’s so difficult photographing them.

They were really pretty though! Not bad for my little town.

Here’s a vlog of mine also, just to add =]



This is a rubix cube. I cannot solve rubix cubes to save my life.

It is a symbol for how my brain is simply not in the logical mindset [currently, at least] and my physics test tomorrow will be simply….gah.
Here’s hoping for luck! [and a good sleep]



Practicing different ISO settings with my dragon model and though ‘Hey, why not?’

With this photo I was playing with shutter speed/aperture. I need to work on it more ^^’
