Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “clover

Frost is prettier than snow!

FROST. It’s not snowing where I am, but we get pretty frost!

I’m just sad that we don’t get real snow…*sigh*
Also, running outside to take this picture in the utterly freezing cold in shorts at 7.30am-not fun ><


Clover field

Decided to walk to my ‘favourite spot’. Got completely distracted by the abundance of clovers, and how gorgeous they looked ^^

I ADORE the little brilliant lime green clover!

The little beads of water are so amazing! Sadly, the unfocused and overexposed areas detract from the photo’s central focus ><


Fungi Family

There was awesome fungi! I couldn’t get too good a picture because I was afraid of it touching my camera[and me] and kept a safeish distance, but it’s still awesome!

They kind of look like little homes to leprechauns or something, because the clover is like a little banner/flag thing^-^[even if it’s normal, not four-leaved or anything].

I was also watching my brother’s cricket. I’m trying to improve on my sports photography, so here’s just a shot which I like [because he looks like he’s dancing xD]. I wasn’t able to go any closer though, so the quality is grainy :/ And I need to work on my timing ^^;

And that’s just a funny shot I got of the bowler. I couldn’t get a decent shot sadly, but oh well!
