Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “cloudscape

Blue Beach

Today all the Bio classes of my school went of a field trip to the beach! I was looking forward to it, but I didn’t realise that I’d be constantly measuring and recording on a transect line, and making sure I had enough information for my internal. It was rather draining especially since I didn’t get to take pictures, or enjoy my lunch…

I still managed to salvage a decent-ish picture, although if I’d had the time I’d have been down by the crevasses photographing the crabs and periwinkles ^-^ Another day perhaps…



The cumulonimbus clouds were absolutely breathtaking! I couldn’t stop staring at them. Sadly, by the time I’d walked to my hill their columnous shapes had compacted into one large clump, albeit an awesome white, magnificent clump! But, instead of posting pics of clouds AGAIN, I decided to try a compositional type shot.

Lamppost against the clouds.

Vs. lamppost against the blue sky.

I like the contrast ^^


Silver lining

Christchurch Earthquake today. Crazy stuff man. It’s probably one of the worst disasters to hit NZ in a long time, and that’s crazy because we thought the Miners tragedy had that slot! I’m so shocked! I’m too far away to be directly affected, but it’s still terrifying…

Anyway, these clouds were so damn gorgeous. They truly offered a bit of a silver lining to the grimness.


Cirrus Rays

Quick snap of the sunset. The cirrus clouds looked like crespulcular rays illuminated by the sun^^

Nothing too special. I had to take the picture from my backyard, instead of my usual photography spot on this hill somewhere…



I can’t help it. I’m in love with clouds^-^ I even made an effort NOT to post cloud pictures often, because otherwise every day would be a cloud picture, and maybe even a ramble about that cloud…But I couldn’t help it, this was awesome!

It’s called iridescence. When the sun’s rays reflect[refract?] off the ice crystals in the higher atmosphere clouds [aka. cirrus clouds].It causes a beautiful rainbow effect!

I can’t remember the exact scientific reason it happens, but it’s awesome phenomena and beautiful! If only my camera had better zoom, it’d be less…not clear ><
