Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “clouds

Cirrus Rays

Quick snap of the sunset. The cirrus clouds looked like crespulcular rays illuminated by the sun^^

Nothing too special. I had to take the picture from my backyard, instead of my usual photography spot on this hill somewhere…


Classy Cirrus

I went to town to buy school stuff, but saw I had no money>< Smart person I am :p So instead I went and read my book in a favourite place of mine and noticed the clouds. Cirrus. They are my favourite! The always make me think 'aloof' 'fairy' and 'carefree'. I watched them form, amazing^^ I could watch clouds forever! I took tons of pictures, so here are three I liked^^ [yea, I overdid it, but I love clouds!]

A beautiful wispy cirrostratus type^^

The sun made a stark contrast! I couldn’t capture it too well with my camera. It was totally a ‘be there’ moment, but oh well!

Just more clouds! Gorgeous, aloof cirrus^^


Angry skies and Woven flowers

I have two pictures today because I couldn’t decide which better reflected my mood><

A very moody sky. The clouds were really angry looking, but then the blue kind of makes them less angry…ha

A flower weaved out of flax. This is my friend’s, and we received them three years ago as part of our end of year rewards. It’s kinda cool how it lasts so long =D

So here’s an end to month number one! I’m really glad at how I’ve managed to snap and post a picture for every day! Looking back on last year when I tried this, I’m glad to see that I’ve actually stuck with it, not stopped after a week, or forgotten.

I think I’ll save the rambling for my other blog ^^; But I’m just glad to say that I’ve achieved one month of snapping! WOO!



Yea, fail picture, but I like the clouds and atmosphere, even if the picture itself is rather gay :/


Morning Cloud

Really, the title says it all. The cloud was rather interesting this morning, so I snapped ;D Alas, the lighting isn’t great :/
