Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “clouds

Cracks in the glass?

Bio exam…ehhh…
I was sitting in my car, chilling until my drama lesson, and I noticed this on the windshield.

Somewhat frightened, since this is the third crack. Might need to get a new car! [oh wait, mum bought a one last night :/]


Rotorua Sun

Beautiful Rotorua day! What an amazing feat.



The clouds were amazing! They were awesome puffs with the orange tinge and the moon overhead…

Sadly, I didn’t have my CAMERA with me, so I had to use my phone…
Alas, I’m updating almost regularly again! It’s difficult some days, but I shall try!


White fire

Some gorgeous clouds! One of my teachers actually got distracted by the clouds in one of my lessons today. She looks out the window and exclaims ‘Wow the clouds are wonderful today’ and I felt rather nerdy when she asked if anyone knew what they were, and I could answer ><

Oh well, I love clouds and I'm proud of it!



Pretty clouds =]
If only I had my actual camera when I went for a walk…
