Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “b&w

Little blue

Now I’m really trying to remember if I’ve used titles before O_o

Just a blue ribbon. Super tired ><



Despite me actually going out and having a life, doing interesting stuff in interesting places, I still don’t take pictures! I am therefore left to photographing various household objects and stuff…

Maybe one day, this attempt at making conceptual images out of random household objects will pay off.
Anyways, the day before my birthday! It has been a great past year, and as I come of age…well, y’know, it’s getting older so…><
I've kept this up for almost a third of the year, this is amazing!


Forgotten music

Wandering the house, in search of yet another photo, I walk into an obstructing piece of furniture. As I nurse my poor leg, I decide to take note of and yell at the furniture, when I register what it is. My piano! It was rather foreign to me, considering I hadn’t touched it for….*ahem* well over two months >.> Poor thing’s been rejected.

And it’s a gorgeous piano, in my opinion. I’ve been meaning to play…I guess it’ll wait yet another day *sigh*
