Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “biology

Cracks in the glass?

Bio exam…ehhh…
I was sitting in my car, chilling until my drama lesson, and I noticed this on the windshield.

Somewhat frightened, since this is the third crack. Might need to get a new car! [oh wait, mum bought a one last night :/]



Been needing energy boosts, what with exams rather underway


Big creeper

My friend and I were walking along the main street of the city, and we saw this massive spider in a gutter!

Despite my hate of spiders, this one was fascinating. It’s literally the biggest wild spider I’ve ever seen ><



Microscopes in bio again! Today we were looking at single-celled organisms, so were looking at paramecium’s ^^ They were awesome how they moved about! I didn’t get to see any amoeba though…

This is a little parasite that was in our slide. I only videoed the paramecium, but photographed the parasite ^^; It’s more interesting than the paramecium anyways…


Of Microscopes and Cells

In bio today, we were looking at onion cells! For like, the hundredth [or fourth] time! Anyways, I thought the microscope made everything look awesome, and the teacher let me photograph the cells and stuff^^
I was using my phone, so the quality isn’t as good, and I wasn’t able to focus too well ><

The ruler through a microscope ^^ [it looked cooler when you could see it physically, not just…in a photograph]

Onion cells! I rather like how it’s through the lens, with the little circle =] And the detail O:
