Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “awesome

Christmas Mousse!

Christmas Day! Best day ever too! Saw my best friends and bf and fav cousins and CHOCOLATE MOUSSE!

Didn’t get too many gifts, but I’m content =]


Lucy Goodheart!

More helping today! It was alot busier since there were bigger productions, but equally as fun! Mangaroo dubsteb, you cad, dribble dribble, SLUUURP! Much fun! The performance was fun, but the entire day with two equally crazy people [ehehe…I was possibly the craziest] was the best!

This is me in my performance. Not the best pic ^^; It was super fun! Melodrama and all. I’ll miss that group :’)


Feeding Ducks!

Had a picnic with some friends today, and we were feeding ducks! I love feeding ducks, they’re so awesome!

I fed them peanutbutter sammies, and they got peanut butter on their bills xD
1st of DECEMBER! From today onward, I will attempt to make all photos xmas themed for the last month. I would have done so today, but my tree wasn’t up ^^;


11.11.11 11:11:11

An historic moment! One that will not be experience for another millennium!

Crappy pic, but my friends and I all gathered to watch the clock of my friend’s watch tick over the magical date. Was epic.
Anticlimatic, but epic. And we had a fun day ^^


Halloween Madness!

The awesome of Halloween! We handed out lollies to people and walked along a main road gaining 82 waves/horn toots and two pictures with adorable kiddies ^^

We were supposed to be two angry birds and a pig, but really, the main point of doing anything this Halloween was painting ourselves xD [the rest of the costume rather failed, but it was SO FUN] Awesome!
