Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “award


I have to return my German cup I won last year at my school prizegiving back to school. This pic fails so much with the reflection…

Mum shined it. It’s in better condition than when I received it xD


The Colours of sunset

Today was a great day! Not only because it was the day after yesterday, which was equally as awesome, but because I got an award in assembly! I received a flower for my 71 excellence credits from NCEA, earning me 3rd place in the top ten scholars of my year^^

This is totally awesome, I’ve never received a flower for anything! And at our school, a flower is like, the ultimate reward^^

Then, tonight, I wanted to photograph the sunset, but left rather late. I had to run the 1km down my road and up a hill, and I made it just in time to get some shots of the orange sky…regardless, I thought my pictures were alright, and I still had a nice walk^^

This shot is very…atmospheric. I rather like it. I think the colours of the sunset were rather gorgeous tonight. Usually they’re particularly neon, but they were nice and soft:D Probably because of the awesome clouds…^^
