Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “4th

Winter supply

Lotsa firewood for winter. It’s honestly so cold here ><



Rainbow slinky! Although, I just snapped a pic quickly, because I need sleep [early rising tomorrow]



This is what I am currently doing: on the computer, in the dark. And I’m off to bed shortly ><

My desktop is a picture I took at this beautiful garden^^ [I’m getting incredibly lazy ^^;;]
And May the Fourth be with you!


A burst of Colour

Rather uninteresting day, until I was driving to town this afternoon and saw the most gorgeous rainbow! When I was able to stop and photograph it, however, I only had my phone, and I was in the position where the colour isn’t as intense because the sun is kind of in front of you and yea…but it was gorgeous seeing it!

Brightened my day=]



Waiting in the car, so I snapped a pic of the water on the windshield. Nothing too special, but the coloured lights from the liquor store all blurred and looked kinda cool=]
