Pictures for every day of the year

Posts tagged “16th

Reaching out

The moon is gorgeous! Unfortunately it’s difficult to get a decent shot, but this looked alright.


Crimson flare

Beautiful magnificent morning! Watched the moon lunar eclipse my whole way to school =D The the sky was absolutely amazing! Sadly, I missed the best of it, so my picture is only a tiny hint of it’s amazingness!!

Gorgeous and red and wow it was so gorgeous!~



Out outside lamp. It’s so dark so early in winter ><

I was actually hoping the trifle mum made was photograph worthy, but sadly it was just…plain. Tastes amazing though!



A bit of contrast adjustment, and my hallway looks somewhat menacing xD

I rather like the tones. It looks very atmospheric, to me=]


Sleepy Sheepy

I’m super tired, and I physically cannot nap, hence I have no energy to try take a nice awesome photo. Instead, my photo will reflect my mood.

I want to SLEEP.
