Pictures for every day of the year



I have a confession…I religiously brush my teeth. And an abnormal amount of times a day.
It’s the only reason I can have for photographing my toothbrush [because I have a tendency to leave my photo so late! ><]
Somehow, I don't think this makes sense…



Neo decided he wanted to bug me in my bedroom, and was spying me off the side of my bed. Luckily, he’s absolutely gorgeous^^

He must think the camera is some evil device or something like that, because whenever I go to photograph him he scatters >< Or, like in this shot, give me a terrified face.

Don’t look down! 😀


Autumn Bloom

Today, I just noticed the flowers in my garden. They only bloom once a year. I didn’t get too great a pic tonight, but I’ll definitely photograph them more^^



I got outside! And decided that a nice sunset picture would be great.

Hopefully I can get some ideas for my photography competition, ‘contrast’ is the theme. I’m also thinking I should get a polarizer, since I rather like the effect it makes…


Frosty Unicorn

My house is really warm, so I opened the window to stick my head out into the fresh air and notice the fogged up window. It made for an interesting snap.

Looks kind of like a unicorn! The weirdness the foggyness makes…
